JB/SENIORITY will photograph and "FOCUS" on your Athlete from the time we arrive thru the entire game and celebrations.
You Receive:
Your own Custom Download Gallerywith your Athlete's images inside (within 72 hours of the game). Gallery stays live for 1 year- connected to a professional lab, so you can order prints 24/7.
We cap the FOCUSES at 6 to 10 Athletes, to give proper attention to your athlete.
We require a minimum number of VIP Focuses to shoot your game.
SIMPLY TEXT: (615) 454-8637
Why Go VIP?:
A photographer will normally follow game action, with no regard to any specific player.
The VIP Focus allows us to be "looking out" for your Athlete and sometimes catch a crucial block, smile or a perfect moment on the sidelines or during warmups that never would be captured otherwise. We will ask for their position to be prepared for even more moments. We also do the heavy lifting of going through ALL the images from the Game and sorting out all the ones of your athlete.
With the collaboration of multiple parents, we make it super affordable for you to get professional-level images of your Athlete in action!
*If you do multiple games, we keep adding to your Custom Gallery, so you end up having your own private hub for the entire season!
TEXT: (615) 454-8637